Bifurcation surfing!

I’m busy with some readings mostly about Bifurcation. I’ll write about the papers and … that I read later, but it is worthy to mention some useful (or interesting) links that I encountered during my research. It may be useful later.

Chaos @ Maryland (you cannot find any paper here, but you can find every kind of chaos research!!)

Fredholm Alternative Theorem (It appears in one of bifurcation papers that I read.)

Implicit Function Theorem

Dynamical System Theory (Seems to be a book, but I haven’t looked at it. I was searching for Center Manifold Theorem that I found it).

Invariant Subspaces (I was looking for Popov-Belevitch-Hautus cont./obs. and I found this pdf. It is a good one).

Bifurcation (seems to be a good introductory one!)